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Our History

The Arcadian Chorale has been recognized for its innovative approach to
choral programming, which often includes works that have either been
revived or rediscovered by our Musical Director, Marina Alexander.

Many times, she has created new editions of pieces,
both in their original languages and with new English singing translations,
which have been presented at the Chorale's concerts as world premieres.

The group has also presented premieres of works by contemporary composers,
and revivals of rarely heard masterworks.


Here are some of our recent programs.

Fall 2024 - "The Hope of Peace!"

Jenkins' powerful The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace,

plus contemporary works

on various aspects of peace by Elaine Hagenberg,
Kyle Pederson, Mack Wilberg, Craig Courtney,
and others, including "peaceful" carols of the season.

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Spring 2024 - "Wonders of Nature!"

A celebration of nature in song!

Music about the seas, sun, sky, rain, mountains,
fire, rainbow, mosquitoes, and lightning!

The program was highlighted by the World Premiere
of a new English Sing translation by Marina Alexander
of Beethoven's Calm Sea & Prosperous Voyage.

Other composers included Elaine Hagenberg, Stephen Chatman, David Brunner, and Stephen Leek.

Fall 2023 - "Infinite Majesty!"

Music celebrating the divine,
featuring Karl Jenkins' exuberant Te Deum,
and in contrast, a setting of that same text by Johann Albrechtsberger,
one of Beethoven's teachers.

Plus Gorecki's magnificent Lobgesang,
Mendelssohn's "He Watching Over Israel,"

contemporary works, and songs of the season.

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Spring 2023 - "A Passion to Sing!"

30th Anniversary Celebration

A very special concert featuring the World Premiere of three new English Singing Translations by Marina Alexander:
Brahms' Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65,
Dvorak's Moravian Folk Songs, Op. 20,
Rheinberger's The Mermaid, Op. 21.

Plus music of Elgar, Schubert, Elaine Hagenberg, and James Mulholland,
followed by a gala reception.

Fall 2022 - "Let There Be Light!"

Music celebrating the wonders of creation,
with excerpts from Bach's Christmas Oratorio,
Haydn's Creation, and Mendelssohn's Elijah

Contrasted with contemporary works by
Ola Gjeilo, Joan Szymko,
and Elizabeth Alexander.

Plus music for Hannukah,
and a community carol sing.

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September 2022 - "American Spirit!"

Special performance of
music by American composers,

including Ives, Billings, and Bernstein,
plus patriotic selections,

in commemoration of Sept. 11.

Spring 2022 - "Musical Passport!"

Music from a wide variety of
cultures and traditions, including
Australia, Ireland, Korea, Israel, Kenya, Japan, Spain, Greece, Wales, China, India,
and the Ukraine.

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Fall 2021 - "Glorious Dawn!"

A renewal of joy!

Three concert sung LIVE in NYC and NJ,
featuring Vivaldi's Gloria,
contemporary works by
Karl Jenkins and Dan Forrest,
plus traditional holiday carols.

Spring 2021 - "The Great American Choral Songbook!"

A celebration of
American composers and poets,
with music from the US folk tradition,
choral classics, new repertory,
and Broadway favorites!

Sung LIVE, with a live audience.

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Fall 2020 - "Songs of Comfort & Joy"

Avery special program,
sung LIVE and streamed via YouTube.
Featuring contemporary holiday selections,
excerpts from Handel's Messiah,
a celebration of Hannukah,
and traditional holiday carols.

Concert begins at the 28:00 mark.



Fall 2019 - "Cheer, Cheer, Cheerio!
A British Christmas"

Handel's Dettigen Te Deum, HWV 233

plus contemporary anthems by
British composers, including Britten, Archer, and Matthias, with holiday favorites
and a community carol sing.

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Spring 2019 - "Love, Love, Love!"

Love songs from the Victorian era
through the present day.

Amy Beach's Ah, Love But a Day,
Brahms' beautiful Op. 31 quartets,
stunning new works by James Mulholland and David Childs, plus songs by Carol king,
the Mamas and Papas, and the Beatles!

Fall 2018 - "Sound the Trumpet!"

Works for Chorus and Brass ensemble,
featuring Gordon Thornett's Gloria,

Gerhard Nowetsei's Pslam 24 (U.S. Premiere),
Alexander's Gabriel from Heaven Came,
and Michael Pisani's arrangement of
O Come, All Ye Faithful (World Premiere).

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Spring 2018 - "This Shining Night!"

25th Anniversary Celebration

The program included lyrical works by Morten Lauridsen, Kim   Andre Arnesen, and Ola Gjeilo; playful pieces like Richard Hundley's Moonlight Watermelon;
a 'Greek suite' featuring the Syrtaki from "Zorba the Greek;"
plus choral versions of Ravels' Bolero and
Rossini's William Tell Overture.

The many individuals who have dedicated themselves to the benefit of Arcadian Chorale over those 25 years were honored at the Gala Reception that followed.

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